Category: Mental Health

How to Deal with Passive-Aggressive Behavior

How to Deal with Passive-Aggressive Behavior

When we think about toxic behavior, we most often think about obnoxious people saying and doing things that make our..

Intimacy Part I: Not Just Sex?

Intimacy Part I: Not Just Sex?

When most people think of intimacy, one image pops into their mind: sex. While sex is an important part of..

The Great Reset

The Great Reset

No, this will not be a post about Klaus Schwab, conspiracy theories, and the New World Order. It will be..

What Should I Expect From Psychotherapy?

What Should I Expect From Psychotherapy?

More and more people are seeking psychotherapy. The percentage of adults getting mental health treatment increased from 19.2% in 2019..

Food for Mental Health

Food for Mental Health

In one of my first blog posts, the Healthy Trinity, I wrote about the importance of the mind-body connection. You..