Category: Mental Health

Dealing With Change

Dealing With Change

With a Biden presidency ready to commence, the country is about to deal with a significant change. The problem is..

The Death of Objectivity

The Death of Objectivity

I became very sad and despondent this week while thinking about the state of our nation. It is not just..

Managing Anger During Stressful Times

Managing Anger During Stressful Times

I don’t know about you but I’ve been plenty angry lately. Angry at the coronavirus. Mad at people who won’t..

How To Cope With Virtual Learning

How To Cope With Virtual Learning

As of this writing, the majority of schools in the United States are starting the school year offering only virtual..

Depression In The Age Of COVID-19

Depression In The Age Of COVID-19

Life kind of sucks right now. The coronavirus has upended the last five months of our lives and the realization..

We Are A Selfish Nation

We Are A Selfish Nation

Usually, the 4th of July is a time for Americans to be proud of our country. We barbecue, shoot off..