How To Get Your Life On Track in 10 (Not So) Easy Steps

How To Get Your Life On Track in 10 (Not So) Easy Steps

Have you ever felt like your life was just not going the way that you want? That there was something off-track? Remember when you were starting adulthood and you had a vision of exactly how you wanted your life to be? How much of that dream have you achieved? Maybe part of your life feels satisfying but not all of it. Maybe you went through a difficult situation and got derailed. Or maybe your life is a total disaster. Everyone has their ups and downs but you can take strides to improve your life. Here are ten steps to point yourself in the right direction.

Make a Life Assessment

The first step is to figure out what the other steps need to be. A self-assessment should include all aspects of your life, including your physical health, relationships, mental health, career satisfaction, and spirituality. A self-assessment is not for the faint of heart; it will require some brutal honesty. It may also call for the opinion of others. Ask your best friend or close family member what they think about how you are leading your life. While you may not want to hear it, other people often see things about us that we don’t.

Set Life Goals

Once you have figured out what is wrong in your life, you can set objectives to improve those areas. Goals may be in any domain you feel needs some attention. Make sure to set short-term and longer-term targets. The best types of goals are specific and measurable. Consider “I will lose one pound every two weeks” versus “I will lose weight and look fabulous”. And while it may feel bold to shoot for the stars, make sure your goals are achievable. Nothing is more demotivating than trying to accomplish the unattainable.

Wake Up Early

I know that not everyone is a morning person but I can’t stress enough the satisfaction of being productive in those first waking hours. Getting up early and getting things done sets the tone for the rest of your day. Imagine exercising, eating, and doing a load of laundry before most people are even up. Wont you feel good about yourself? Of course, early rising requires going to bed early. You never want to sacrifice sleep. And for those of you who have FOMO (fear of missing out) what are you really missing at midnight?

Express Gratitude

It is difficult to improve your life if you don’t appreciate what you already have. Having gratitude correlates with a lot of beneficial outcomes, including lowering stress and increasing happiness. What’s more, it speaks to a generally positive mindset. You will never be happy with anything if you are always looking at the glass as half empty. For a more expansive view of gratitude check out my previous post on the subject.

Connect and Reject

Humans are meant to have social interaction. It is difficult to feel satisfied if you are lonely or wanting for companionship. I haven’t encountered many isolated people that felt happy with their lives. On the flip side, it would probably be a good idea to get rid of some of your more toxic relationships. Some people are truly bad for you. Think of it as gardening. Sometimes you need to plant more flowers. Other times, you need to clear out the weeds.

Set Boundaries

Setting appropriate boundaries is one of the most underrated actions a person can do to make their life better. Maybe your intrusive in-laws need to be told to take a step back. Or maybe you are overloaded and you need to say no to retain your sanity. Whatever the case, setting strong boundaries gives us the chance to breathe and make healthy decisions.

Organize Your Life

Have you ever walked into someone’s house and it is a total mess? You might conclude that this person does not have their sh** together. And you would probably be right. Disorganized people are bound to have problems. You cant expect to operate efficiently when your mind and your space are in disarray. The good part is that it only takes about 15 minutes a day to commit to staying organized. You might say, “I don’t have 15 minutes”. People tend to be able to make time for things that are important to them, but if that is truly the case, you might need to set stronger boundaries (see above).

Being organized also includes creating routines. You may think that routines are boring but it is much easier to be spontaneous when you know you are in a position to meet your responsibilities. Flying by the seat of your pants all the time may seem sexy but it is tiresome for the people around you. So, make a schedule, create a budget, and clean your desk. Not only will your life go more smoothly, but it will also generate more time for the things you really want to do.


Speaking of which, I know I mention self-care a lot. But if you don’t take care of yourself, you are no good to anyone else. Think about how much better your life will be if you commit to exercising, sleeping, and eating healthily. Similar to staying organized, self-care takes time. But it is time well spent.

Unplug and Play

Technology has become omnipresent in our lives but that is not necessarily a good thing. The constant pull of social media, text messages and e-mail takes a toll on our well-being. The never-ending barrage of notifications is enough to drive anyone mad. Sometimes you just need to unplug and be present with yourself and your loved ones. For a change, meditate, go for a walk, or spend some quality time with your children. Have some fun. Just make sure to leave your phone at home.


If you are honest with yourself, you probably want to be in love. Who doesn’t want to have a special someone that fulfills their needs and desires? Being in a stable long-term relationship has many benefits, including more happiness, less illness, and longer life. It is worth making the effort to try and find that life partner that has been eluding you. And if you have already found that person, spend some time to make sure your relationship is as strong as it can be.

Don’t settle for disappointment and discontentment. You have the power to make your life better. And it won’t take a colossal effort. Think of it more as a renovation rather than a total teardown and rebuild. Keeping your life on track is not always easy, but with a little attention, it is certainly doable. I will give you a challenge. Assess your life and make some goals. Then start with making one change and go from there. If you arent feeling more satisfied with your life, you can send me an e-mail and yell at me. But I bet I won’t hear from you. Why? Because you have the potential to meet your goals if you simply take the steps to pursue them. Enjoy the journey!