The COVID-15

The COVID-15

Is it just me, or are a lot of people looking a bit heavier than they did pre-pandemic? A host of factors have come together to cause a perfect storm of weight gain. Due to the spread of the virus, we are stuck indoors where we are less active and more likely to eat due to stress and boredom. Gyms are more likely avoided due to increased germ transmission. With more telework, we aren’t even getting the steps in that we might gain from going to work. Ever heard of emotional eating? When our lives don’t contain enough joy we often turn to food to make us feel better. Regrettably, eating more, and exercising less is a prescription for weight gain.

A lot of people have thrown out the rules due to COVID-19. The thinking is that we are so restricted due to coronavirus that we should loosen our normal customs. That means we can eat a lot of junk food, have unlimited screen time, and scrap our daily routines. While relaxing a bit is to be expected, dumping personal regulations and values will likely lead to trouble. After all, rules are there for a reason. Remember, the best mantra is everything in moderation. And that includes eating and exercise. An indulgence is welcome every once in a while but are you going to feel good about yourself if you gain a lot of weight during the pandemic?

With that in mind, let’s talk about what you can do to maintain your weight during these turbulent times:

Be Kind About Weight Gain

Most importantly, don’t beat yourself up if you do find yourself gaining weight. When your stress level is increased and regular routines are upended, it is not unusual that you might eat more and exercise less. However, if you get too down on yourself, you may give up on maintaining weight altogether. Instead, cut yourself a little slack and look at the COVID-19 environment as an opportunity to introduce new healthy habits.

Monitoring Your Weight

To sustain your weight, you need to know how heavy you are in the first place. Weighing yourself once a week is a good way to start. You don’t want to weigh yourself every day because it may become too obsessive. The goal is to maintain weight or gradually lose it. That is not usually accomplished with a spurt of excessive motivation that quickly peters out. A weekly weigh-in is a balanced approach to keep track of your progress.

Plan Ahead

Planning your meals and shopping list ahead of time will help you eat healthier. First, if you don’t have unhealthy food in the house you can’t eat it. Additionally, if you go to the supermarket without a plan you are much more likely to buy junk food on impulse. It will also help you spend less time in a grocery store while coronavirus is still around.

Cook Healthy

A lot of people have taken to cooking and baking because they are home more than ever before. While there is nothing wrong with learning to whip up a fancy new cake, it is also an opportunity to master some healthy recipes. Although you may feel more comforted by desserts, the internet has all the information you need to eat healthily. Your body and mind will thank you.


Wondering how to fill your extra time? How about exercise? You may not feel it is safe to go to a gym but there are plenty of exercises you can do at home or outside. You don’t even need any equipment. Take a jog or do some body-weight exercises. Not only does exercise help with weight maintenance, but it will also improve your mental health.


Yes, I talk about sleep a lot. That’s because it is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health. What’s more, when you don’t get adequate sleep you are inviting weight gain. Research has shown that a lack of sleep slows your metabolism and increases your appetite. Do your best to prioritize sleep and get at least 6 hours a night.

Stress Management

COVID-19 has brought considerable strain into our lives. Worries about our health, financial status, and a lack of interpersonal interaction contribute heavily to our daily stress. Luckily, there are a variety of tools available to deal with stress. It is not difficult to begin practicing relaxation or mindfulness techniques, although it will take consistent effort. Further, receiving support from friends and family does not have to end just because it can’t be in-person. Virtual platforms, such as Zoom and Facetime, make it easier than ever to keep in touch with loved ones.

New Routines For Weight Loss

COVID-19 is disruptive. No one has been entirely unaffected by its reach. As a result, our normal routines have been thrown out the window. Unfortunately, having a disorganized, chaotic life is not a good way to shed unwanted pounds. It is more necessary than ever to build structure into your day to maintain your weight. By making a few small adjustments, you can combat weight gain despite the coronavirus.

P.S. Let me say that I am well aware that many people are having difficulty putting food on the table. This article is not meant to make light of their situation. It is simply to help people with issues related to unhealthy eating habits, emotional eating, and weight gain, which almost all people may at times encounter.