The Myth of Vulnerability

Vulnerability is defined as “the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally”. Let’s face it, being vulnerable is scary. Conventional wisdom tells us that vulnerability equals weakness.
I’m going to suggest that conventional wisdom is wrong, or at least outdated. The days of exhibiting little or no vulnerability are over. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable shows tremendous courage. It is also really good for you. Here are five reasons why you need to be vulnerable today.
You are only going to trust someone who you feel like you know. In fact, you can’t really trust someone if they are aloof and never reveal anything about themselves. If you are vulnerable with people, they feel like you are more authentic. Vulnerability researcher Brene Brown has found that authenticity builds trust. And trust in relationships still matters.
People are more honest with vulnerable individuals. They feel free to be transparent because they are less worried about being criticized for what they reveal. When you see someone being honest about themselves
Emotional Connection
It is easy to have acquaintances. You have something in common and you make small talk. You keep it on a surface level. In order to make a deeper connection, however, you need to be vulnerable. You need to be willing to share more intimate details about your life. This is how close relationships are created. Ask yourself, would you rather have deeper friendships or just a lot of acquaintances? The stronger the connection the more likely your relationship will survive through the roller coaster of life.
When someone shares themselves with you, you are more likely to share information with them. Most people feel more comfortable talking to someone if they believe he or she is a flawed human being. It feels safer talking with a vulnerable person
Think about the people in your life who everyone seems to like. What is it about those people that make them popular? I bet almost every one of them has the capacity to be vulnerable. We like it when people can be genuine and express their feelings. With whom would you rather spend an afternoon? A vibrant person who shows their personality or a wooden stump?
In the past, vulnerability has gotten a bad rap. I think it is time we reconsider what it means to be vulnerable. Showing your true self is freeing and brave. Being vulnerable is a strength we can all admire.