How To Deal With Quarantine Fatigue

How To Deal With Quarantine Fatigue

When all these coronavirus restrictions started we were all hopeful that it would be over in a couple of months. Then May came and we were hoping it would be over by summer. Now, summer (and even fall) activities are being canceled every day. You might be asking “when will this all end?” It is a good question and there is no clear answer. But until we have a vaccine or a medication that eradicates the disease there will have to be some restrictions in place. Realistically speaking, we will likely have to employ social distancing and some form of quarantine for the next year.

Yikes! A whole another year? Before you start screaming at the screen that doesn’t mean that you have to stay at home for another year. What it means is that you need to take precautions so we don’t see another wave of COVID-19. Businesses are gradually reopening and we don’t want to have to close them again. That can only happen if people wear masks, wash their hands and respect social distancing guidelines.

The Lesser Of Two Evils

There is no doubt that many people are being inconvenienced and that others are facing severe financial hardship. You may ask why you should respect restrictions when you can’t pay the rent or put food on the table? Well, it is because people are becoming very sick and dying. Despite what you might hear, it is not only the elderly getting ill. Healthy younger people and even children are facing sickness and death as a result of the coronavirus.

People have been forced into a horrendous choice: do I sacrifice my paycheck or do I follow restrictions? And for some, it isn’t just missing a bit of money. Some people are literally starving and others are committing suicide as a result of stay-at-home orders. Unfortunately, the amount of people dying from the coronavirus far outnumbers those dying for other reasons. In the end, it is an incredibly difficult choice. What it comes down to is the lesser of two evils. Would you rather struggle or have more people die?

Quarantine Coping Strategies

However you might feel about restrictions, they are here. For a country that is used to a lot of freedom, it is stifling. Everyone wants to get back to life as usual. So, what can we do to overcome quarantine fatigue?

Accept Reality

For those people who are ignoring and protesting restrictions, you are doing yourself (and others) a disservice. Not only are you putting other people at risk, but you are also not allowing yourself to accept the reality of the situation. Your mind will not be at rest until you stop railing against the quarantine. After all, it is the law. Once you accept reality, you will feel better.

It Could Be Worse

For the large majority of people out there it definitely could be worse. Think about the people on ventilators whose grasp on life is tenuous at best. A lot of people are facing serious quarantine consequences but most are not in danger of dying. Think about that when you are upset that you can’t get a haircut.

The Silver Linings

Every situation, no matter how difficult, has some positive outcomes. For example, maybe you have started a new hobby as a result of being cut off from your usual activities. Or maybe this has allowed your family to spend more precious quality time together. Focusing on the silver lining helps to minimize the more negative consequences of the quarantine.

Embrace The Quarantine

Some people have really gotten into the quarantine and they are better for it. Post a funny video to YouTube or have a family dance party. When you stop thinking about all the bad things that are happening you can actually have some fun with it.

Stay Active

When you are stuck inside more than usual it is important to stay active. This will help you avoid putting on unwanted pounds and keep you in a more positive mindset. There is nothing more depressing than realizing that you have sat on your butt all day eating chocolate chip cookies.

Go Outside

When you are stuck indoors there is nothing more gratifying than spending some time in nature. Although there are some limits on where you can go, there is nothing illegal about taking a walk. Luckily, being outside is also good for you. The great outdoors has been shown to have healing properties. Some research even suggests that sunlight helps disperse the coronavirus. Even if that isn’t exactly true, who couldn’t use a little extra vitamin D these days?

Give Back

A lot of people are suffering due to COVID-19. Donating your time and money can really make a difference in someone’s life. There are many causes that need help. None more so than food banks that provide our most basic needs. Besides, giving back to the community gives you a sense of purpose and will help you feel good about yourself.

Quarantine Does Not Equal Misery

COVID-19 and its resulting restrictions really suck. No two ways about it. Everyone is affected negatively by this disease in some way. We all wish it would just go away. But when the going gets tough the tough get going. We can complain and revolt or we can make the best of it. Remember, this is a time to give up on our selfishness and do what is necessary for the greater good. We will get through this. And, depending on how we handle it, we can make it just a little less painful for everyone.