Why Men Need Therapy

Why Men Need Therapy

Did you know that men are much less likely than women to seek help for mental health issues? It is not because they don’t have problems. In fact, there are many issues that tend to be specific only to males. Let’s explore some of the difficulties that torment men and why they are afraid of getting help.

Manly Problems

Men and women are different. Our brains and bodies are distinct and work in their own mysterious ways. Although men suffer from many of the same issues that affect women, certain difficulties tend to cause men more problems. Here are some of those problems:

Substance Abuse

Whenever you see a movie or a TV show about a drug addict, it is almost always a man. Why is that? Men are two to three times more likely to suffer from a substance abuse disorder when compared to women. They turn to drugs more quickly and use them at a higher rate. It is possible they use drugs as a way to self-medicate instead of seeking help from others.

Emotional Unavailability

If you haven’t heard, most men are emotionally unavailable. From a young age, boys are told that a real man does not express their feelings. Crying is forbidden. While it may seem macho to suppress your feelings, emotional unavailability can lead to detached relationships and a lack of intimacy, among other problems.


I was always told that all guys look at porn. So, you may be asking, what’s the big deal? Well, men are six times as likely to look at pornography than women. While some people may watch pornography without it causing significant issues, excessive use of pornography is associated with relationship problems, financial difficulties, and depressive feelings. Further, the explosion of porn on the internet has vastly increased the occurrence of pornography addiction. And addiction is no joke.

Sexual Performance Problems

Males are supposed to be sexual dynamos. Their prowess is legendary, at least in the locker room. What may be surprising is that many sexual issues can have a psychological source. Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and a lack of sex drive may all be the consequence of a mental health issue (e.g., anxiety). Because sex is so important in male circles, performance issues may feel like a direct threat to one’s manhood. Unfortunately, most men would rather suffer in silence than face the potential embarrassment involved with getting help.

Job Issues

A man’s identity is often tied to his job. Despite the increase of women in the workplace, there remains a societal expectation that a man must provide financially for his family. As a result, difficulties at work can negatively affect a man’s self-image and mood. Unemployment is a particularly difficult problem with which to cope. There is nothing more injurious to a man than the inability to bring home the bacon.

Why Don’t Men Go To Therapy? (The Sarcastic Version)

Therapy Is For Weak People

Although times are changing, men are still given the societal message that they must be the stronger sex. As a result, they are more guarded with their feelings and act like they don’t have any issues. They are taught that vulnerability is a weakness. In other words, tough guys don’t need treatment. Ironically, the truth is just the opposite. It takes more strength and courage to seek help than to avoid dealing with your problems.

Men Don’t Ask For Help

I will tell you why men love Waze and Google Maps. Because they no longer need to ask for directions. You see, men are bred to be problem-solvers, not the ones who need help. While women tend to discuss their difficulties with friends and family, males tend to be more isolated and keep to themselves. This is problematic for a variety of reasons. First, no one person has all the answers. We all need help. Second, no one can look at their own problems objectively. Sometimes you can’t see the forest through the trees. Finally, coping with everything by yourself keeps you from forming connections with other people. Have you heard the quote “no man is an island”? Well, it isn’t exactly true. Men who don’t ask for help become isolated and die alone. (I know, it is a little much. I’m feeling dark today).

Men Don’t Have Problems

Much of the time men don’t even realize they have a problem. They tend to be more out of touch with their emotions and have less insight into what is bothering them. They may have bottled up their emotions to the point where they just feel numb. When you ask those men if something is bothering them they are likely to say no. And they may actually believe it.

Therapy Is For Crazy People

Although mental health issues are receiving more attention than they have in the past, there remains a stigma attached to mental health treatment. There are still a lot of people who believe that anyone who goes to therapy must be insane. Men, who are often reluctant to seek counseling in the first place, are further put off by the prospect of someone telling them they are crazy.

Calling All Men: Don’t Be Fools

Men who don’t get help often face serious consequences. Unaddressed problems may lead to further psychological issues, the dissolution of relationships, and the loss of work. Even more gravely, men may become so despondent that they contemplate self-harm; men commit suicide more than three times as often as women. So, if you are having problems (or even think you might be having an issue) please seek some assistance. It is the manliest thing you can do.