Covid Fatigue Part II

A year and a half ago, I wrote a post about quarantine fatigue. At the time, I don’t think anyone thought we would still be worrying about the effects of coronavirus in 2022. Unfortunately, it is still here and a new variant, omicron, is currently causing chaos. Covid-19 continues to cause mental, physical, and financial hardship. The incidence of depression and anxiety has skyrocketed. We are a tired nation. How do we cope?
Coronavirus is Forever
It is time to stop thinking about Covid as a temporary disease. The frequent development of mutated variants makes it likely that we will be dealing with the coronavirus for years to come. When you think about a disease as a temporary phenomenon, you keep waiting for it to be over. And you are chronically disappointed when it doesn’t end. On the other hand, acknowledging that Covid is here to stay lets us set appropriate expectations in our minds and helps us stay more positive. Eventually, the coronavirus will become more endemic, like the flu. When people start viewing it as a permanent addition to our lives, we will all be better for it.
Talk About Fatigue
Everyone has been affected by the coronavirus in one way or another. It is part of our shared experience. Don’t feel like you have to bottle it up because no one cares or everyone is sick of talking about it. The truth is that people want to talk about it. They want to discuss the highs and lows of dealing with this pandemic. In truth, you almost cant avoid the topic. It infects every aspect of our lives. Everyone needs to complain about Covid once in a while. Just don’t make it an everyday occurrence.
Avoid The Politics
People have very strong opinions about masks, vaccines, mandates, etc. While the shared experience of coronavirus brings us together, forcing your opinions down the throats of others will often lead to conflict. As I noted in a previous post, it is not worth it to argue with someone else over their beliefs. It is unlikely to change their mind and will make everyone involved angry and frustrated. Instead, focus on how the coronavirus has personally impacted your life, rather than fighting about the validity of mask and vaccine mandates.
Self-Care, Especially Sleep
You are probably sick of me talking about self-care. I have mentioned it in many of my posts. I dont mean to be annoying, but I cant say enough about the importance of taking care of yourself as the pandemic lingers on. Covid has added stress to all of our lives. And it is not like we needed more stress. But some people view self-care as just another burden they dont want to have to add to their responsibilities. So, I am going to make it simple for you. As important as exercise, diet, and socializing are to your health, nothing is more important than sleep. If you feel like there is only one change you can make to your life, let it be sleep. Proper sleep is one of the few things we can do that has a positive effect on every aspect of our life. It is the building block of all self-care. Make a concerted effort to get at least seven hours a night. If you ever played Jenga, you know that nothing survives without a strong foundation. Getting a good night’s sleep will strengthen your ability to deflect Covid fatigue.
Be Vigorous
When I say be vigorous, Im not just talking about exercise, even though it is one of the most helpful activities we can do. After all, It is one of the healthy trinity. But being vigorous is more than just raising your heart rate or taking a certain amount of steps. Being vigorous means to be active in both mind and body. Almost anything you do can be considered vigorous as long as you are fully involved. For example, running around doing errands can be vigorous. Work can be vigorous if you are focused and enjoying it. And the more involved you are in any activity, the more you feel alive and are distracting yourself from any coronavirus-related problems. That stimulation is the exact opposite of any fatigue. Fatigue is being tired. Vigorous activity is the antidote.
Don’t Overdo It.
Part of coronavirus fatigue is due to the additional worries it has put on our collective plates. Instead of having to deal with our already excessive responsibilities, we now also have to be concerned about masks, illness, supply chain problems, and vaccine cards. It is a lot to handle. So, now is not the time to overburden yourself. Instead, figure out what is essential for you and your family and cut out the rest. That’s right, pare down on your obligations so you can focus on what is important and prevent yourself from feeling overwhelmed.
The Lighter Side
Coronavirus has made life exceptionally difficult. Stress and negativity go hand in hand. Experiencing some fatigue is to be expected. It is easy to forget that life can still be wonderful and, gasp, even fun. Do your best to look at the positive. Even in a pandemic, there is a lot of good going on in the world. Tell a joke. Have a laugh. You dont need to feel guilty for having a good time. In fact, it is beneficial to try and have some fun each and every day. People that can let loose and see the brigher side of life have an advantage in enduring the pandemic. The mind is a powerful force. Fight off fatigue with a fun and positive outlook.